The consensus is provided by TF1 for information purposes only and is not necessarily exhaustive. It does not represent the estimates or forecasts of the TF1 group, which therefore cannot be held responsible for the information/estimates provided or for any omission.
Before each earnings release, TF1 collects and formally releases all the forecasts issued by the sell-side analysts in charge of stock coverage. The aim of this approach is to provide the market with a consensus that is as reliable and representative as possible.
This consensus is published on TF1’s website before the earning release, so that those interested (investors, analysts, shareholders, journalists) can access it at the same time.
The following data are collected:
Group sales
Group current operating profit/(loss) from activities
All the analysts’ estimates must be sent to the group by email. The median, the maximum and the minimum of the sample will be published. All the analysts’ contributions will remain anonymous and no commentary will be given by the Group, in compliance with the stock-market regulation.