
“We are a major creator and broadcaster of content, and are embedded in the daily lives of French people. So we have a strong impact on society, which brings significant responsibilities to our viewers and internet users. Our relationships with our audiences, clients, partners, shareholders and investors are built on those responsibilities, and on trust and transparency.

That’s why we have for many years promoted the idea that ‘ethics must apply to us all, in all circumstances, whatever our roles and responsibilities’, and why we expect everyone who works for us to act as an ambassador for the culture of compliance – which we have identified as one of our core values.”

Julie Burguburu, General Counsel


Ethical conduct is at the heart of what we do, and is one of our core commitments. That’s why we have a comprehensive ethics governance structure including our Code of Ethics; a designated Chief Ethics Officer; a specialist Board committee for Ethics, CSR and Patronage, which oversees ethical compliance; and a whistle-blowing platform.

Our ethical compliance arrangements call upon all our executive officers and staff to observe standards of professional conduct in the form of “action principles”.

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Ethics is everyone’s business in every situation, whatever our duties and responsibilities. Ethics isn’t a constraint but a state of mind which should guide our day-to-day actions, from the simplest to the most complex. To achieve these aims we need to be able to rely on high standards of personal and collective behaviour.

Preventing corruption, avoiding conflicts of interest, fair competition, managing corporate affairs, complying with stock market legislation, and applying international economic sanctions: how we do business, individually and collectively, is key to our impact on society.

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Our status as a market-leading channel gives us an added layer of responsibility when we produce, acquire and broadcast programmes and advertising.

Ensuring our content meets ethical and professional standards is one of our core concerns.

That’s why we have structures in place to cover programme compliance, and to guarantee that our news teams are responsible and independent. That involves constant dialogue with our stakeholders, including our audiences and partners.

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Following cyberattacks on radio broadcasters in 2019,  we accelerated the rollout of upgrades to the security measures protecting our broadcasting infrastructure, and to the systems we use to detect and respond to security incidents.

We also commissioned an external audit/consultancy firm to work on a Cybersecurity Assurance Program, to give us an independent opinion on how well our action plan addresses the risks posed to our strategic operations by cyberattacks. We use the feedback from this program to continually fine-tune our cybersecurity trajectory and roadmap in response to emerging threats.

And we are in the process of rolling out a disaster recovery plan to respond to major incidents.


The #MeToo movement has made society aware as never before of how important it is for everyone – especially in the workplace – to combat bullying, harassment and sexist violence.

For many years, we have taken a proactive stance as a driver of change, standing against all forms of bullying and sexual harassment both within our company and in our broadcast output.

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Whistleblowing platform

The TF1 Group has set up an online whistleblowing platform, which can be accessed here. Its aim is to support the Group's ethical approach and to supplement the tools available to its employees and external collaborators, so that everyone can play an active part in ethics and the prevention of related risks.


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