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1465 Résultats

2017 Parent company financial statements
285.51 Ko
2017 Consolidated financial statements
2.38 Mo
Report on the principles and criteria for determining the remuneration payable to the CEO in 2018
402.64 Ko
Remuneration of the Executive Director of TF1 in 2017
637.23 Ko
2017 Annual Financial Report
1.14 Mo
TF1 GROUP 2017 ANNUAL RESULTS Full-year revenue growth of 3.0% Current operating profit of €185 million Margin rate of 8.7%, up 2.4 points Group share...
Disclosure of the total number of shares and voting rights - 31/01/2018
239.02 Ko
The TF1 group announces the signature of a global distribution agreement with Bouygues Telecom, including the TF1 Premium offer and add-on services.