Born on 11 December 1964 – French citizen

Employees representative Director since 3 April 2014

Most recent renewal: April 17, 2024. Termination of Mandates: 2027

Member of the Selection and Remuneration Committee 

Holds 100 shares in TF1 

Business address: 1, quai du Point du Jour – 92 100 Boulogne-Billancourt

Sophie Leveaux Talamoni has been TF1’s Artistic Director of Acquisitions and international development manager since July 2008. She joined the Acquisitions Division of TF1 group in 1993 and was appointed Artistic Manager in 1995, since when she has gradually assumed broader responsibilities across the division’s spectrum of activities.

Other directorships and positions outside the TF1 group


Former directorships and positions held in the past five years
